About Me

I am an “eclectic former.”  What is an eclectic former? I am a former ditch-digger, surveyor, salesman, teacher/professor, stock broker, publishing executive among other things, and interested in just about everything (within reason.) I was a world traveler, lived in several countries, and I’m able to get by in a few languages.

I am considered educated, if thirteen years of “higher education” makes one such. I have accumulated a few degrees along the way. That in itself gives me no special rights, but I have learned that there is a lot I don’t know. Therefore, I am a life-long learner. Each day brings a new lesson.

I am currently in active retirement. I and my wife are now permanent RVers. We drag our home, which I call our Mobile Condo, with us wherever we go. We can change the scenery out our big picture window at will. We have no permanently fixed home, so I guess you can say we are “homeless.”

In this blog I want to share some of the things I have found of interest. Perhaps we can learn something from each other. Please feel free to comment and share your ideas with the rest of us.

Let’s talk.

You can find more about our activities on our travel blog by clicking on the Travel Log link.